[services_box style=”why8″ heading=”BRANDING” txt_desc=”I never thought I could feel so free doing it our way. Nothin’s gonna turn us back.” icon=”ion-images”]
[services_box style=”why8″ heading=”PHOTOGRAPHY” txt_desc=”I never thought I could feel so free doing it our way. Nothin’s gonna turn us back.” icon=”ion-ios-camera-outline”]
[services_box style=”why8″ heading=”DEVELOPMENT” txt_desc=”I never thought I could feel so free doing it our way. Nothin’s gonna turn us back.” icon=”ion-trophy”]
[services_box style=”why8″ heading=”WEB DESIGNING” txt_desc=”I never thought I could feel so free doing it our way. Nothin’s gonna turn us back.” icon=”ion-monitor”]
[services_box style=”why8″ heading=”E-COMMERCE” txt_desc=”I never thought I could feel so free doing it our way. Nothin’s gonna turn us back.” icon=”ion-ios-cart-outline”]
[services_box style=”why8″ heading=”CLEAN CODE” txt_desc=”I never thought I could feel so free doing it our way. Nothin’s gonna turn us back.” icon=”ion-code”]
[counter_box heading=”Project Completed” icon=”ion-ios-briefcase-outline” number=”500″]
[counter_box heading=”Lines of Codes” icon=”ion-edit” number=”254″]
[counter_box heading=”Happy Clients” icon=”ion-ios-heart-outline” number=”184″]
[counter_box heading=”Pizzas Ordered” icon=”ion-pizza” number=”350″]
[container][testimonials order=”ASC” number=”3″ grp_slug=”sample”][/container]
[container][simple_heading heading_style=”h2″ txt=”PRICING PLANS”]
[pricing_table style=”light-gray-bg” pkg_title=”:: BASIC ::” pkg_price=”$49″ btn_txt=”Confirm Order” btn_link=”#”]
  • Identity Design

  • Complete Branding

  • Optional Photoshoot

  • Printed Business Cards

[pricing_table style=”light-gray-bg” pkg_title=”:: ADVANCE ::” pkg_price=”$89″ btn_txt=”Confirm Order” btn_link=”#”]
  • Identity Design

  • Complete Branding

  • Optional Photoshoot

  • Printed Business Cards

[pricing_table style=”light-gray-bg” pkg_title=”:: PROFESSIONAL ::” pkg_price=”$199″ btn_txt=”Confirm Order” btn_link=”#”]
  • Identity Design

  • Complete Branding

  • Optional Photoshoot

  • Printed Business Cards


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